Bathed by the Ionian and the Adriatic Sea, Puglia is the land of tasty varieties of vegetables, we expect you.
Spina Sapori di Puglia
Prov.le per Manduria Km 1
72024 Oria (Brindisi) – Italia
Satellite Coordinates:
(Decimal degrees): N Lat. 40.48296475839806 – Lon. 17.64201377944562
(DMS Format): N N 40° 28′ 58,6731” – E 17° 38′ 31,2496”
phone +39 0831 81 60 17
fax. +39 0831 84 60 42
We are constantly looking for motivated men and women who want to grow and make our company grow. Ours is a continuously growing sector that needs qualified and enterprising people.