Write us

    Head Office

    Bathed by the Ionian and the Adriatic Sea, Puglia is the land of tasty varieties of vegetables, we expect you.


    Spina Sapori di Puglia
    Prov.le per Manduria Km 1
    72024 Oria (Brindisi) – Italia


    Satellite Coordinates:
    (Decimal degrees): N Lat. 40.48296475839806 – Lon. 17.64201377944562
    (DMS Format): N N 40° 28′ 58,6731” – E 17° 38′ 31,2496”


    phone +39 0831 81 60 17
    fax. +39 0831 84 60 42

    Work with us

    We are constantly looking for motivated men and women who want to grow and make our company grow. Ours is a continuously growing sector that needs qualified and enterprising people.
